Suche nach Beiträgen von Annabeth

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28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 16:05

Wer sonst, San?^^

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 15:59

*kurz zu san guck*

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 15:55

[ Ich bin Sara | Santana | Calleigh | Zoey^^]
*immernoch lach^^*

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 15:53

*einen Lachflash bekomm^^*

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 15:52

[@Seraphina: wer bist du da?^^]

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 15:49

*san auch angrins^^*

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 15:44

[Gut, aber ich glaub du solltest nicht soooo viel wie bei gleekz machn^^]

Stimmt doch
*wieder grins*

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 15:39

*seraphine anguck*
Santana liebt es anzugeben weil sie Headcheerio ist, beachte das einfach nicht

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 15:30

*auch zu ihr geh*
Ich bin Selena Jefferson

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 01.11.2012 23:34

*sie angrins*
*auch aufsteh*
*ein bisschen rumlauf*
*mich wieder reinsetz*

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«

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