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28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 16:44

[Ich hab schon 2 mal *grins* geschrieben, wieso steht das da nicht, San?! ]

*seraphina angrins*

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 16:40


sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 16:38


sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 16:33

Was Sorry?
*wieder grins*

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 16:32

*seraphina kurz muster*
//Eig ganz hübsch^^//

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 16:30

Doch, eine kleine Bitch
Wobei, dann ist er ja wie ich^^

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 16:25

Komm, Sanni^^ Er ist wie du^^

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 16:19


Das glaub ich dir

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 16:15

[egal^^ sebastian ist wie santana, nur männlich^^]
Die Sache die er mit Bambi durchgezogen hat war zwar doof, aber egal^^

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«



28, Weiblich


» Cheerios. » Zölibat Club.

Beiträge: 614

Re: Gänge

von Selena am 02.11.2012 16:09

[@san: DU MAGST SEBASTIAN NICHT?!?! Sebtana 4ever*-*]
Ich mag deinen Bruder

sasha_sig.gif   sasha_sig2.gif

»Sometimes I think I was born backwards. You know, came out my mum the wrong way.
 I hear the words go past me backwards. The people I should love, I hate. And the people
I should hate...«

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